Counting > With or without repeating
1234With or without repeating


Exercise 1

In The Netherlands the zip code consists of four digits followed by two letters. Assume that all digits are possible in all four places. Assume as well that all letters are possible in both places.
How many different zip codes can you make in The Netherlands?

Exercise 2

The symbols on the graphic calculator consist of pixels. Each symbol fits into a rectangle of 5 by 7 pixels. A symbol is made by turning these pixels 'on' or 'off'.
How many symbols, theoretically, are possible?

Exercise 3

At the Olympic Games 15 men participate in the final of the men's steeplechase. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 respectively earn a gold, silver and bronze medal.
How many different ways are there to divide the three medals over the competing men?

Exercise 4

A group of eight people has bought tickets for a concert. They are seated next to each other in one row.


How many different seating orders are possible?


One of the eight people really wants to sit at the end of the row. How many seating orders are possible now?


Two people really want to sit next to each other. How many different seating orders are possible now?

Exercise 5

You are throwing four dice. After each throw you count the total number of dots.
In how many ways can you throw 23 or more dots?

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